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Accessing the UI elements from Go

At some point you'll want to access the UI that you've designed in HTML from Go. To do this you'll want to take that returned document from markup.DocumentFromHTMLAsset and access some helper functions or the list of elements.


In our Writing example, we created a div with an id nameList. This allows us to get access to all of the elements inside of that div by calling GetElementById on the document.

doc, err := markup.DocumentFromHTMLAsset(host, "ui/tests/binding.html", data, nil)
list, ok := doc.GetElementById("nameList")

In this case ok will be false if the element could not be found. Otherwise list will be the DocElement for that panel. You can access the child entities from this panel and go through all the child contents that way.

Other accessors

You can access other elements by class, tag, or group. Class and tag are the classic ways to access elements in HTML, and group is a way to access a group of elements that have the same value in the group html attribute.

For example, the divs with ids one, two, and three all have the same group value of group1. You can access all of these divs by calling GetElementsByGroup on the document.

<!-- ... -->
    <div id="one" class="red" group="group1"></div>
<div id="two" class="green" group="group1"></div>
<div id="three" class="blue" group="group1"></div>
<!-- ... -->