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Building new fonts

Kaiju uses MSDF (multi-channel signed distance field) fonts for rendering text. This allows for high quality text rendering at any size. Other forms of fonts (such as bitmap) is not supported by default, you'll need to add support for fonts like that yourself if you need to [1].

Building MSDF fonts

To build new font's you'll need the msdf-atlas-gen tool, which can be found here. Place this executable into the bin folder of the Kaiju repository (you may need to create this folder). Also in this folder, create a folder for the font face you'd like to convert. For example, if you'd like to convert the OpenSans font, create a folder called OpenSans. Inside this folder, place the TTF files for the font. Lastly, you'll need to create a text file named charset.txt within your font folder. This text file should have all of the characters you need out of your font. Check out the sample charset.txt file in the content/editor/fonts/charset.txt file for an example. Make note of double quotes on the ends, the escaped characters, and the UTF-8 file format.

Once you've done this setup work, you can run the following command from within the src folder:

go run ./generators/msdf/main.go OpenSans

Using MSDF fonts

You'll need to replace OpenSans with whatever your folder name is. Once this process completes, it will create a new folder within your font folder out which has all the .bin and .png files for your font. So this would be OpenSans/out in our example.

Copy these files over to the content/fonts folder or the content/editor/fonts folder to begin using them. At this point you can create a const wherever you need it that is rendering.FontFace (a string alias). This is what you will pass into the font/label code to bind your font face for use.


[1] The font system uses a mapping of character->glyph so it has everything you need to support bitmap fonts. You'll need to change the shader that is used by the font system to support bitmap fonts. You'll also need to make a custom build of the .bin file to go along with your font, see how the src/generators/msdf/main.go builds this binary for more information.